Monday, November 18, 2013

If The NFL Playoffs Started Today

November 18, 2013 If The Playoffs Started Today! It’s that time of the NFL season where the pretenders are separated from the contenders. By now fans know what their team is and if you don’t, well don’t feel bad it’s the roller coaster ride known as the NFL season. The leaves have started to turn, in some places snow has already been reported, those chilly nights have resurfaced, oh and Thanksgiving is almost here which means the playoff chase is full of life. Some teams control their own destiny while others are trying to get out of an early bind. Others are on the bubble which sits on the outside and leave the eyes looking in, and then you have those teams trying to scratch and claw just to hold on through the brutal dog days of the season. Here is a taste of what we as fans would be getting if the NFL Playoffs started today. Yes, yes I know I’m jumping the gun but who doesn’t. 1: Broncos. With the win last night over Kansas City the Broncos have made their way back to the top of the AFC. The next couple of weeks will show rather or not they can hold that seed with a Manning vs. Brady showdown on the horizon this Sunday night and a rematch against Kansas City looming. The main question on Broncos fans minds is wills their QB remain healthy? If that offensive line gives him the protection they did last night he stands a great chance. 2: Patriots. Say what you want but Brady and company aren’t doing it like you’re use to. So what it doesn’t make it any less appealing to a diehard football fan. After all the early struggles the Pats are sitting pretty in the number 2 spot in the AFC playoff picture. They play Carolina tonight and have a showdown looming on Sunday night with the Broncos. Deep down inside you know the Patriots want that number 1 seed. Will they get it? By next Sunday night roughly around 11:30 pm we shall know. 3: Colts. You beat 3 elite teams and you think that would be enough to proclaim you as a Super Bowl contender. Not so fast ladies and gentlemen. The Colts have gotten off to slow starts against the Texans, Rams, and Titans the last 3 weeks. By this time of the year if you’re doing something like having continuously slow starts it’s a habit. Yet somehow the Colts remain at number 3 and still have a chance to move up to the number 2 spot if the Pats take a step back. 4: Bengals. Is it their time? Are they finally here? These are the questions that many have been asking this season when it comes to these Bengals. One week they look sexy and the next week you’re thinking there is no way that team can do anything in the thick of the playoffs with the inconsistency on offense. Lucky for the Bengals it’s still the middle of November. Will that offense continue to struggle and rely on the defense? The following weeks shall reveal that to us. 5: Chiefs. With the loss last night it looks like the Chiefs have found their way in a Wild Card road game against the Bengals. Now many may hate slow, grind it out defensive games but if you’re a fan of the “old school” you’ll cherish this matchup. Nothing is set in stone yet so let’s cross our fingers. 6: Jets. If I would’ve told you that Rex Ryan would have a top 5 defense and rushing attack you would say that sounds like Rex especially since he has a rookie QB, but would you believe me if I told you maybe just maybe Rex has avoided the hot seat. I know its funny how things play out. With the Colts slow starts it wouldn’t shock me if the Jets were to upset them in a Wild Card Rd match up in Indy, a good defense to get after Luck and a rushing attack to keep him off the field. Colts fans have seen that story before. NFC 1: Seahawks. The great North West never gets any attention. So is the story with their football team. The Seahawks are 10-1 but no one wants to pay it any attention. It looks like they may very well get home field advantage and I’m here to tell you if that happens they may get to the Super Bowl. Home field has never meant so much when you talk about the Seahawks and Saints. 2: Saints. No one wants to see the Saints in January in that dome. The 12th man made itself felt last night during that game. Without a shadow of a doubt the Saints are a totally different team when they’re in that dome. The only question that remains to be seen is can they beat the Seahawks and hope they lose a couple and fend off the rising Panthers? 3: Lions. Some would say the Lions have struck gold. Rodgers is out and Cutler is down. The question is can they stop beating themselves and put it all together? If the playoffs started today they would play the 49ers. What handshake do you speak of? They still have Stafford and Johnson not to mention Bush so they still catch the eye because wherever they are you can bet a shootout maybe looming. 4: Eagles. With everything that was meant to be and isn’t the Eagles find themselves at the top of the NFC East. I picked them to win it in the beginning so it’s possible in an up and down division. Many may not be in on Foles because he isn’t flashy like Vick but he gets the job done. Plus he doesn’t turn the ball over. Only time will tell if they can hold on and give those loyal fans something to cheer about. Imagine if the playoffs started today. Panthers vs Eagles. This is intriguing to say the least. 5: Panthers. After a couple of seasons Rivera is finally putting his blueprint on this team. The defense has his attitude with the tenacity and ferociousness they exhibit on the field. Last week was a statement game and they answered the calling. Tonight is another one. Will they answer this calling vs. the Pats? Tonight will tell. As long as Newton stays within himself they’ll always have a chance with that defense and rushing attack. 6: 49ers. I picked this team to go back to the Super bowl and I’m sticking to it. Sure they’ve hit a couple of bumps in the road and Kaepernick has struggled. With all that being said they were right there with the Saints pending a judgment call on Brees. Yes I know I know there are no moral victories in sports. With that being said December will show this team’s true colors. They’ll be healthy and if they are anything like their coach you’ll see them fight tooth and nail to hold on to that 6th seed.